With electronic payments becoming more common and check writing quickly disappearing, you might wonder how you can prove to the IRS that you actually qualify for a charitable (or some other) deduction that you plan to claim on your 2019 tax return. Luckily, electronic records are usually sufficient to substantiate a payment, but since theRead more about The Records You Need to Substantiate Tax Deductions[…]
Category: News
Last Minute Tax Law Changes Made in December 2019
As it has in years past, Congress again passed in late December a set of last minute changes to the tax law. Many of these changes are retroactive and will affect your 2019 tax return. Here are some of the highlights that have reached back to affect the 2019 tax year: The tuition and feesRead more about Last Minute Tax Law Changes Made in December 2019[…]
Review Your Retirement Savings Goals for 2020
The beginning of a new year is a great time to review your financial plan, including your goals for retirement savings. By setting your goals early in the year, you can save for them throughout 2020 and reduce the pinch that is sometimes felt when people try to “make up for lost time” later inRead more about Review Your Retirement Savings Goals for 2020[…]
2020 Tax Brackets and Limits Announced
The IRS recently updated tax brackets and some limits for 2020, using information based on the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor. Use these early figures to start developing your tax strategies for next year. Tax Brackets in 2020 Marginal Rate Single Filers Joint Filers 0% Less than $9,875 Less than $19,750Read more about 2020 Tax Brackets and Limits Announced[…]
Reminders for the End of the Year
This year is quickly coming to an end, so now is the right time to do a quick review to make sure that you’ve done everything you need to in this calendar year. Here are a few items to consider: Take required minimum distributions (RMDs). If you are age 70½ or older, you need toRead more about Reminders for the End of the Year[…]
2020 Social Security Changes Announced
The Social Security Administration announced a 1.6 percent boost to monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for 2020. The increase is based on the rise in the Consumer Price Index over the past 12 months ending in September 2019. For those still contributing to Social Security through wages, the potential maximum incomeRead more about 2020 Social Security Changes Announced[…]
Save Money with These Year-End Tips
The end of the year is coming on fast, but there’s still time to reduce your potential tax obligation and save money this year (and maybe even next). Here are some ideas to consider: Estimate your 2019 and 2020 taxable income. With these estimates you can determine which year receives the greatest benefit from aRead more about Save Money with These Year-End Tips[…]
More Changes Coming to Form 1040
In 2018, the government attempted to “simplify” the tax-filing process by drastically shortening Form 1040. The result was six new schedules that created a lot of confusion. Now the IRS is attempting to ease some of that pain by revising the form and removing some schedules. Here is what you need to know: More informationRead more about More Changes Coming to Form 1040[…]
Know Your Rights with Bill Collectors
Each year thousands of people fall behind in paying their bills, oftentimes due to circumstances outside of their control. If you find yourself in that situation, you may end up dealing with aggressive debt collectors. If you do, realize that there are strict rules in place that forbid any kind of collector harassment in theRead more about Know Your Rights with Bill Collectors[…]
Make Gift Tax Rules Work for You
As you approach your retirement years, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the IRS gift giving rules. Once you understand them there are opportunities to leverage this tax law without creating a tax problem. The rules You can give up to $15,000 to any individual (the “donee”) in 2019 and avoid any giftRead more about Make Gift Tax Rules Work for You[…]