If you are looking for tax-free income and more flexibility during retirement, one option to consider is investing in a Roth IRA. While Roth IRA contributions are not sheltered from current taxes like contributions to traditional IRAs, they do offer other tax benefits during retirement. The Roth IRA advantage Retirement withdrawals (including earnings) are tax-free.Read more about The Roth IRA: Tax-Free Retirement Savings[…]
Month: May 2019
Improve Next Year’s Tax Situation Now
Whether you receive a big refund or pay taxes on tax day, taking action now can ensure next year’s tax bill is optimized by not paying more than necessary. Update paycheck withholdings and forecast estimated tax payments. Reviewing and updating withholdings now gives you several months to spread out the tax impact on your dailyRead more about Improve Next Year’s Tax Situation Now[…]
Final Regulations Clarify QBI Deduction
The IRS recently published final regulations regarding Section 199A of the Internal Revenue Code. That section, created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, offers a 20% deduction for qualified business income (QBI). This deduction may be available to non-C-corporation taxpayers such as sole proprietors, business partners, certain LLC members, S corporation shareholders,Read more about Final Regulations Clarify QBI Deduction[…]